360 Menu Optimisation

Helping operators make their most important sales document work as hard as it possibly can by speaking to customers, FOH teams, BOH teams, looking at sales data and analysing data from all four, before applying proven persuasion techniques to increase sales and/or drive other types of desired customer behaviour – like ordering in a particular way to have a better experience in the restaurant. Includes customer + in-house research, data analysis, menu copy, layout sketches (but not graphic design), testing and iteration.

Timeline: minimum 3 months + testing and check ins at month 1, 3, 6 and 12 months after the menus go live.

Budget: £15-20K, depending on the size of the menu

Take a look at our menu development work for Rosa’s Thai

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Thomasina Miers


The new menu has been huge for us. Not only has it put a real feeling of energy into the company internally but our sales have been great recently and we can’t help feeling that the new menu has definitely had a part to play in this. The new layout with less clutter feels so much cleaner and accessible. It is amazing what a change it has made to the look and feel. You guys did a really fantastic job.”